Category Archives: Excel

Excel – Data Manipulation (Part 4)

Continuing  our data manipulation, these further examples can be applied to a cell to extract all kinds of data, and when used together can be particularly powerful when combined with the FIND command.

Here have a quick look at the power of logic statements, and again they can be combined with everything we have done previously.

There is much to do with Excel data manipulation, and I have only really scratched the surface, the next series may well look at the various different methods of counting Excel offers, combined with Array formula and a little logic for good measure 🙂


How do I test a value in Excel to see if it meets certain or multiple criteria?

Logic staments:

=IF(text=condition, condition true, condition false)

 To simplify: “If”, “Then”, “Else”.


In this example the formula (or logic statement) in A2 is looking for ‘Pie’ in cell A1.  As it is clearly not a pie (rather a tubular food product) THEN (or condition TRUE) is skipped over and ELSE (or condition FALSE) is invoked telling us the contents of A1 is “Definately not a Pie L”.


=OR(condition, condition, condition…)

 Can be used in IF statements as part of a condition, where the answer becomes true if ANY of the conditions met are true.

 Example: or

 In the above example, the IF statement is used along with the OR statement in the initial logic test.  Effectively the combined IF & OR statements check to see if ‘Pies’ OR ‘Peas’ are in cells A1 OR A2 respectively.  IF one or other are then the formula returns ‘There is something you like on the menu’ as is the case here!


=AND(condition, condition, condition…)

Can be used in IF statements as part of a condition, where the answer becomes true if ALL of the conditions met are true.



In the above example, the IF statement is used along with the AND statement in the initial logic test.  Effectively the combined IF & AND statements check to see if ‘Pies’ AND ‘Peas’ are in cells A1 AND A2 respectively.  IF they are then the formula returns ‘Perfect match’ as is the case here!


Can I nest IF, OR, AND statements or are they mutually exclusive?

During Christmas cover, I was IM’d asking this very question, the person in question was fairly Excel literate my response was:


The penny immediately dropped 🙂  Just think logically and carefully about the conditions you are setting out to achieve.  You can nest most if not all Excel formula 🙂


Can I turn an output error from a formula into a meaningful value?


Yes you can :).  Used primarily as part of a logic statement with a nested IF.  Instead of an error producing a #VALUE error, the error can be specified, for example “” to leave the cell blank.

Example 1 – a formula creating in error:


In this example we can see a lookup attempting to return the number of snacks sold, in this case the Value in A8.  Clearly the specified table above has no ‘Crisps’ so the not so useful error code of #N/A is produced.

Example 2 – the use of iserror (in conjunction with a logic statement).


With this example, you can see the previous formula in use along with a logic condition.  In laymen’s terms, IF there IS(an)ERROR doing the LOOKUP then tell me that there is ‘No such Item found’ else do the LOOKUP again, and give me the result.

This way you have more control over your errors, and for example, you can effectively nest IF statements and not be tripped up if part of the formula was to produce an error.  This way, excel is no longer going to produce an uncontrolled error, you are fully in charge.

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Excel – Data Manipulation (Part 3)

Continuing  our data manipulation, these further examples can be applied to a cell to extract all kinds of data, and when used together can be particularly powerful when combined with the FIND command.  The 4th part will go into detail regarding logic statements 🙂


Finding the nth occurrence of a character with SUBSTITUTE

=FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(<Cell to Check>,”<Character to find>”,CHAR(1),<Occurrence of Character>))



In the above example the formula references cell A1, looking for the nth occurrence (in this case 3rd) of the character ‘S’.  It works by SUBSTITUTE(ing) CHAR(1) for the 3rd occurrence of “S” and returning its position.

I have used this in the past to obtain the nth octet of a MAC address (where that data has not been normalised (i.e. three characters not used for each octet), used in combination with MID discussed in Part 1 – give it a try (clue – you will also need to use LEN discussed in Part 1)!


How do I lookup an object and return related data?

Data lookups:

=VLOOKUP(<lookup value (cell)>, <table to lookup (range)>, <column # containing output data>, <match type>)

vlookup is the most common lookup used within Excel, I tend to use this, and Index/Match (much more powerful) detailed further in this section.



 In the above example, the formula in B8 is using A8 as its source.  It is looking for ‘Pies’ in the table above (A2:B5) and will return the value in the second column (B).  The match type in the above has been set to ‘FALSE’ which means it will return the exact result (rather than a close match if ‘TRUE’ is used).

If the VLOOKUP cannot find what it is looking for in the list, it will return the error #N/A which you will discover will scupper more advance formula.  You will need to look at controlling your errors with a little bit of logic; IF statements combined with the use of ISERROR (see part 4).


vlookups great, but I need to obtain data from the left of the lookup?

=INDEX(<Return Value Range>,MATCH(<Lookup value (cell)>,<Lookup Value Range>,0))

Index and match; the old way Excel used to do lookups.  Whilst more complex, this complexity adds flexibility by enabling you to perform the likes of (but not limited too) a ‘reverse VLOOKUP’ that’s to say, obtain data from the left!




Using the same example as vlookup above, but this time with the columns reversed, we are able to return the same valid result :).  In cell B8 we have started an index of the range we wish to return, and then matched it against a value we are looking for, in a range this occurs.  The “zero” specifies that this is an exact match (rather than “1” – less than, or “-1” greater than).

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Excel – Data Manipulation (part 2)

Continuing  our data manipulation, these further examples can be applied to a cell to extract all kinds of data, and when used together can be particularly powerful when combined with the FIND command.  Part 3 (it could even be Part 4) will cover this and more! 🙂


An error is returned on a formula that is using a number extracted from a formula in Excel, why?


When manipulating text using the aforementioned formula, it is common to extract numbers from an alphanumeric cell via manipulation or formula, often with the alphanumeric attribute still intact.  The use of VALUE  then forces any cell referenced to be treated as a number, where as formating the cell will not.

An example is where a formula displays a result and is then referenced by another formula. Second formula may error unless the preceding result is reference through the value statement.


How do I change case from lower to upper case in Excel?


Turns selected text into Upper case.



A2 contains the example formula; it references A1 as its source. Notice the resulting output is in all upper case.


How do I change case from upper to lower case in Excel?


Turns selected text into Lower case.



A2 contains the example formula; it references A1 as its source. Notice the resulting output is in all lower case.


How do I combine the contents of multiple cells to make a sentance?

=CONCATENATE(text, text, text…) or the continued use of ‘&’

(Where “text” = cell reference)

Can be used to combine multiple cells of data to form a text string



A2 contains the example formula; it references A1, B1, C1 and D1 as its source. To add spaces in this illustration I have added a space character between quotation marks (“ “).



Again A2 contains the example formula; it references A1, B1, C1 and D1 as its source. Removing “concatenate” you can combine strings with the example above using & instead.

I will leave you to judge which is your preferred, neater solution.


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Excel – Data Manipulation (part 1)

Particularly useful, these following examples can be applied to a cell to extract all kinds of data, and when used together can be particularly powerful when combined with the FIND command, though a little more on that in another post 🙂


How do I select a certain number of characters in a cell from the left in Excel?

=LEFT(text,[# of Chars])

Takes the characters from Left side of specified cell.



A2 contains the example formula; it references A1 as its source, and take the first 3 characters from the left.


How do I select a certain number of characters in a cell from the right in Excel?

=RIGHT(text,[# of Chars])

Takes the characters from Right side of specified cell.



A2 contains the example formula; it references A1 as its source, and take the first 3 characters from the left.


 How do I select text from the middle of a cell in Excel?

=MID(text,start #,[# of Chars])

Takes characters from anywhere in a cell, starting at the specified start point).



A2 contains the example formula; it references A1 as its source. The start # is taken as the P in ‘Pies’ which is 25 characters from the beginning of the cell. The number of characters extracted is 4, giving the output from the sentence as ‘Pies’.


 How can I return the length of text in a cell in Excel?


Returns the length of data contained within a cell.



A2 contains the example formula; it references A1 as its source. It returns the length of the string in A1, in this case 4.

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